Miss Fenn ![]() My name's Huifen, Currently Year 3 student @ NYP, Studying DMIT. I am a person you probably mightn't wanna know, or perhaps you might already have known, you don't know whether you knew or not, or maybe you don't even know whether you wanna know after all. Monday, March 31, 2008. 2 min more to 01.04.2008!!!! which is..... APRIL FOOL!!! Anyway just came back from school and finish bathing. SOoooooo Tiring!!!! Today wake up super early, Because meeting maurice and kenneth for the gym session @ school! I was just playing around there lahh! Doing all the weights with the help of maurice.. xD Then went to OGL... Joined the station master for the game. I also dont know whyyyyyyyyy! ^ ^ Still have to go through the " interview" with the senior. Went through third time of game trial -_- After the mass debrief.. Went mac to eat.. DONT understand why so many people like to force me EAT! Also played some game before going home . On my way home..... SAW jie ying and lee eng at tampinese inter! Both of them look so shocked to see me there. xD They are working at the pasa malan @ tamp there. Everything is back to normal..... She ended HER STORY @ 11:58 PM (: Sunday, March 30, 2008. thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking She ended HER STORY @ 11:59 PM (: Saturday, March 29, 2008. NEW BLOGSKINS N SONG!!! ^ ^ After being influenced by the guys. I have been listening to this song for the whole day! * must watch the MV!! 我爱着谁 爱到我有点醉 告诉我你是谁 能够把我让我变不对 你不会累 但我却爱你爱得好累 从没有为了谁 不顾安危付出一切 站在这平衡点 我还是觉得有点危险 或许是看不见 只能够靠感觉 他不会是个好男人 也不会是个好情人 你对我说 我们只是擦肩而过 好的男人有那么多 少了他的日子也能过 我不会再让你寂寞 也不会让你更难过 你听我说 要好好学着去生活 就算未来有多少错 至少还有我的问候 我的温柔陪你度过 你听我说 你不要这么做 你不要看着我 说你已经知道怎么做 你很难受 我愿意陪你一起承受 只要你不怕痛 再多坎坷我都陪你走 站在这平衡点 我还是觉得有点危险 或许是看不见 只能够靠感觉 他不会是个好男人 也不会是个好情人 你对我说 我们只是擦肩而过 好的男人有那么多 少了他的日子也能过 我不会再让你寂寞 也不会让你更难过 你听我说 要好好学着去生活 就算未来有多少错 至少还有我的问候 我的温柔陪你度过 他不会是个好男人 也不会是个好情人 你对我说 我们只是擦肩而过 好的男人有那么多 少了他的日子也能过 我不会再让你寂寞 也不会让你更难过 你听我说 要好好学着去生活 就算未来有多少错 至少还有我的问候 我的温柔陪你度过 就算未来有多少错 至少还有我的问候 我的温柔陪你度过 Mood NOW :: 当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 She ended HER STORY @ 8:16 PM (: . CHALET!!!!!! 26.03.2008 to 28.o3.2008 DAY 1 As the bbq was held on the second day of the chalet, so afew of us was there only. Then gina and jes went clubbing, ming got her chalet, Mia of nana.... so i was the only girl there..xD They are getting ready of the food. i was there to help by entertaining them. xD so what can we do?? PLAY MAHJONG!!! with the accompany of TAIBITSssssssss, ice cream n mochi? DAY 2!!!! Siyi delievery breakfast in for us. *Made by her!! wOoo~~~ Then the whole day activity is still MAHJONG!!!!!!! we ordered pizza hut for lunch!! 2 large hawaiian pizza with the cheesy crust!!! Oyishi!! In order for me to do some excerise, we walked out to white sand to buy sweet corn!!! slacked at white sand for more than 1 hour while waiting for the shuttle bus to come. We went mac to eat fries and drink? Andddddd i shun bian took 2 packet of salt. actually wanted to bring it back to mix with my coke, because i was having soar throat. BUTTTTT the sudden rain make us all WET!!!! arghhh!! including my salt.. =(( Then here come our BBQ~~~~~~~ She ended HER STORY @ 7:56 PM (: . The story about fish n water??? xD 鱼对水说:你看不见我的眼泪,因为我在水中。 水对鱼说;我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心中。 我不是鱼,你也不是水。你能看见我寂寞的眼泪吗? 鱼对水说:我永远不会离开你,因为离开你,我无法生存。 水对鱼说:我知道,可是如果你的心不在呢? 我不是鱼,你也不是水。我不离开你是因为我爱你。 可是,你的心里有我吗? 鱼对水说:我很寂寞,因为我只能待在水中。 水对鱼说:我知道,因为我的心里装着你的寂寞。 我不是鱼,你也不是水。我寂寞是因为我思念你。 可是,远方的你能感受到吗? 鱼对水说:如果没有鱼,那水里还会剩下什么? 水对鱼说:如果没有你,那又怎么会有我? 我不是鱼,你也不是水。没有你的爱,我依然会好好的活。 可是,好好的活并不代表我可以把你忘记。 鱼对水说:一辈子不能出去看看外面的世界,是我最大的遗憾。 水对鱼说:一辈子不能打消你的这个念头,是我最大的失败。 我不是鱼,你也不是水。现在的我只想要一个一辈子的承诺。 可是,你负担得起吗? 鱼对水说:在你的一生中,我是第几条鱼? 水对鱼说:你不是在水中的第一条鱼,但却是在我心中的第一条。 我不是鱼,你也不是水。我们都不是彼此生命中的第一个, 可是,你知道吗?你却是我第一个想嫁的人。 鱼对水说:你相信一见钟情吗? 水对鱼说:当我意识到你是鱼的那一刻,就知道你会游到我的心里。 我不是鱼,你也不是水。我以为我对你的爱不会长久,因为那是一见钟情。 可是,我错了,感情如酒,越封越浓越长久。 鱼对水说:为什么每次都是我问你答? 水对鱼说:因为我喜欢在问答中让你了解我的心。 我不是鱼,你也不是水。为什么你总是让我等待? 难道你不知道,等待=失去信心=放弃。 如果我是鱼,而你是水,那该多好!水永远都知道鱼的想法,因为鱼在水心里。 但是我不是鱼,你也不是水。你永远都不知道我的爱, 因为我也许根本就不在你的心里。 我不是鱼,也不在水里,所以会流泪。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 She ended HER STORY @ 9:23 AM (: Friday, March 28, 2008. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I am back from chalet!!!!!!!! ^ ^ Luckily ben is around and drive us back just now. If not i really have to bring "big bag small bag" to school!!! xD Will update more when i come back from school!!! She ended HER STORY @ 7:17 AM (: Wednesday, March 26, 2008. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BRO!! Yesterday!!!!! 25.03 Report school at 0830! It is really a....................................... Both marice and mee reached schol super early. Then was at kou fu there slacking until it is about time. Went library tour!!! which i almost fall sleep there.... Then played games and second trial run @ sport hall. It is really not a easy job to be a ogl, especially when u meet some "idiot freshman" it will be a super stress up job, somemore with the help of senior around.... =.= After that i actually wanted to meet my sis And go town to look for present for my bro. But she asked her boyfriend along.... Which was so last min..... =.= Then i was like a light bulb!!! * i kill her!! Anyway she just wants my friend's student card, to buy newurban stuff! So after awhile, i told her that i was really really very tired!! Which is really true!!! Then i went home first. Cannot stand her bf and her.... =X I really fall sleep soon after i bathed! Then later still need to go back school for the ogl stuff. I guess i will only be going for the briefing. TODAY having class chalet!!!! ^ ^ She ended HER STORY @ 6:47 AM (: Monday, March 24, 2008. OGL!!!!! I was back to school for the first trial run for resgistation! We was repeating and repeated the process again and again. For quite a few timesssss... But everything consider ended quite okay??? Expect................................................ Just simply...... Arghhhhh!!!! Then went bugis with serene.. xD Wanted to buy some stuff there.. We are going to have trial run for the next two days~~~~ She ended HER STORY @ 11:41 PM (: Sunday, March 23, 2008. WOrking for the whole day!!! Only sleep for less than 4 hours, Then must start to get ready to go work! But dont really feel tired when i am there. Because today quite busy! xD SO nan de!! usually is quite slacking de. But then i keep drinkin coffee n tea to keep myself awake. Tml going back school for the ogl trial. =X Still dont knwo what we will be doing tml. But i think will be another jialat day~ I guess they will be telling us to repeat again n again. Then keep pointing out where is our mistake. She ended HER STORY @ 11:21 PM (: Saturday, March 22, 2008. Went out with YS to watch Rule 1~~ Chatted quite alot about the Past! Actually i almost forget everything that happened! Anyway for those who havent watch rule 1. I really dont think it is a good movie! SO dont go and watch it. If not u surly regret!!!! Not scary at all! I really dont know what is happening to my life. I only wanna find alot of stuff to do. TO make full use of my time. Dont want to waste my time anymore....... She ended HER STORY @ 11:54 PM (: Friday, March 21, 2008. HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY!!! But it doesnt seem to be toooooo good for me!! BECAUSE got to work from 9am to 9pm today!! Only manage to slept for afew hours! My mind is still in stnadby mode~ So i decided to bring my lappy there to use. I am now at there..... DOnt know why today so busy lahh! usually it will be super slack de.! =X She ended HER STORY @ 10:23 PM (: . K-box Session - DONE!! WAhhhahaha!!! Sing sing sing sing sing sing~~ Other then sing at kbox! I loves to eat their tiabit there~~~~~~ Not so nice?? But i simply love it!! Somemore i eat till i feel liek vomitting! Dont know how many time i asked for re-fillllll!! Didnt run away from school presentation. Just that i already meeting boony they all. xD Dinner at fish n co! I only know they lovessssss to eat the sauces there. They asked for so many tata n chilli sauces! Somemore they really manage to find ALL! I was wondering they was eating sauces or fish~!! xD Actually wanted to watch a movie. But dont have a good timing! SO we decided to go back tamp!! Went sun plaza park! Then played swing there.... Saw a blackie! Like interested in jared they all. Keep staring at them. After that still pose at the pole there. * so disgusting lah! Almost wanted to throw my shoes at he! =X lalala~~ She ended HER STORY @ 12:06 AM (: Wednesday, March 19, 2008. Result is OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Passed all the module but did not really do very well. But at least i saw the improvement in my GPA! Last semt result is totally a disaster!!!! * DIE DIE All "C"s or "D"s!!!!! At least i saw a "A" and more "B"s in my this semt result! I got a A for IAD!!!!! Which was so surpriseD!!!! Yesterday waited till 12am then check the result!! Finally can sleep well for yesterday night! wOoo!! Got to go school soon!!! buaix!! She ended HER STORY @ 10:59 AM (: Tuesday, March 18, 2008. Movies --- Half DONE Watched 2 movies today! Leap years and horton!! Both movies are quite nice.. But i think i am alittle tooo tired!! RESULT will be OUT in less than 2 hours time! Suddenly felt so scary!!..... She ended HER STORY @ 10:21 PM (: Monday, March 17, 2008. Second day that i went back school for planning!! This time i stayed till the end. From 10am to around 7.30pm! Really have been slacking for the whole day! Nothing to do!!!! Then they told us to play those stupid bonding game. So since we are so free, We ended up using photoshop to edit a result slip! xD It really look like the real one!! We took someone last semt result, Then changed it to his name, admin number and result. We put as all "A"s and "Dist"... GPA = 4.0!!! Actually wanted to play a prank on that person, But we dropped the idea as we see they no mood already. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I just realise i lost my necklace last saturday!! Took it off when i am taking x-ray! *shit!! No wonder i felt so werid since yesterday! Anyway getting back result at this wed!!! GOD BLESS ME!!! PLEASE! GOOD NEWSS!!! ALL MIT under Proposal team need not to come.. expect for some.... ^ ^ SO tml i dont need to wake up early to go back!!! SO anyone interested in watching movie? My Hair Cut ----- DONE! Finally lahh! i find the time to cut my hair. But alittle regret! The person cut my hair till super short lahh. Make my face look fatter!!! I seriously think she wanna rush home. SO anyhow cut my hair!! Hope my hair wil grow back longer faster! She ended HER STORY @ 10:48 PM (: Sunday, March 16, 2008. Back from work! Kana a small cut!! Although nv bled, but is super painfully. I was like a zombie today. My mind was already in hibernate mode. I dont even know what i was doing. Dont seem to be my normal self for today. Because i am really too tired!!! The List~ 1. Hair cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Movies 3. K-Box session?? ^ ^ She ended HER STORY @ 10:39 PM (: . I have been outside for more than 15hours!!!! Woke up at 7am!! * super duper tired!! * Left my house at about 9.... Went to where i suppose to go. Then I realise i went out without my handphone!!!! Then quickly called my sister to comfirm the meeting time And ask her to help me bring out my phone! =.= Becoming more n more blur? Meeted her at 1pm. Ate our lunch at the soup spoon! Each of us ate one set meal there. That was really super full!! 1 sandwhich with big bowl of mushroom soup plus drink! * That is only first part of our eating........ So Shopping come!!! We really bought alot of stuff! Went Esprit... Both of us spend more than enough To sign up for the memebership stuff. But once again it is under her name. She will alway be the one signing up for the memebership card, So troublesome is i want to use the card.. xD Even my sister's bf also say she bully me!! Anyway i bought a simple black jacket and tee. When we left bugis, Both of us was already carrying alot of bags. Which was super Heavy!! Next we went orchard!! It is really meant to be a eating day. after we had our lunch not long. We bought alot of snack to eat while shopping. Then when we reached orchard. we start thinking what should we eat for dinner. ended up going taka food court. * saw that stupid "zoo"! simply just hated to see he!!! so didnt went forward to say hi to the rest.... * Then we bought pies, brownies, breads, ice cream to eat again! my sister nv get fat after eating alot of stuff. I am the only one getting fatter~~ =( Then quickly went heeren NewUrbanMale!! Bought another pair of slipper. we was thinking of buying 1 slipper for our bro as birthday present! Then we will also be getting the same one at the same time, so 3 of us can wear the same slipper! Good idea right!!! *Ps... i really think those guys working at newUrbanMale got alittle werid!!! =X Arghh!!! Wanted to buy 1 Zara n Addias Jacket!!! but she stop me from buying!!! She said i have enough of jacket!! because i just bought a white EverLast jacket few days ago. But i like lehhhhh!!! Really spent too much for today! alittle xin tong le!! =( She ended HER STORY @ 1:36 AM (: Saturday, March 15, 2008. Arghhh!!! After thinking............ My answer is still the same. Even though i might regret one day, But to me, i really intent to get involve in this all. The only word i can say is only... sorry.. I feeling so werid..... I really dont know what am i doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She ended HER STORY @ 1:27 AM (: Thursday, March 13, 2008. COLD WEATHER!! I am so COLD!!! Arghh!! Feeling sooooooooo cold even i am with my jacket!!! Just now at my work place... I really cold till my hand numb!! I feel nothing when i am holding a cup or HOT water in my hand. =.= But then....... that cindy keeping saying that the temperature is okok ONLY! Arghhhhh!!! So when she went home, we quickly switched off the aircon! But today is just another slacking day! Didnt have much customer.... ^ ^ Jialat!!!! my wisdom tooth aching!! I think that causes my bad headache recently!!!! Got to bear with it for a few more days. Then see what my doctor say!!!! I think i ........................................................................... She ended HER STORY @ 11:11 PM (: Wednesday, March 12, 2008. Anyway my life at work will nv be boring, If some joker come..... =.= Today there is 3 little girls from thailand? * not too sure also* They wanted "Grass Jelly", so i helped them to take out from fridge. they asked me what it is...... so i answered "grass jelly". Suddenly all of their faces changes. Then one of them suddenly. keep stepping on the floor.. SO i finally realise what they are trying to say! They thought "Grass Jelly" is made up of GRASS! I almost laugh out!!! xD I AM SO TIRED! Having slight fever now? just had a painkiller, didnt bother to measure my temperature now. Have been working for the whole day! Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired!! She ended HER STORY @ 11:43 PM (: Tuesday, March 11, 2008. didnt go back school because i wake up late. anyway i think i not going to go back for this week bah. maybe next week then start to go back. =X STEP UP MOVIE!! The BEST part is when they are dancning in the rain. SO cool!! ^ ^ She ended HER STORY @ 5:03 PM (: . Woke up at 7++ which was alittle later then i expected! I thought i will be able to wake up very early. By right, i am suppose to go back school today. BUT..... by left, i didnt go back. I went other place instead. Have to settle something first. xD SO i did everything super slowly. Because i wanted to waste as much time as possible. Dont wanna go out too early. After everything is done. I went back tampinese to wait for my sister, She went to ntu this morning to wake her bf up again! =.= Starting to help her feel sian!!!!!!!!! Everyday wake up so early, Travel from east to west!!! Just to go ntu there....... TO WAKE her bf up for lesson!!! I think i will surely get mad if i am her. STEP UP 2!!! Then we Suddenly decide to watch step up 2!!!! SUPER NICE LAH!!! * Must watch!!! * I simply love this type of dancning movies.!! Although there are more nice dancing movement in part 2. But alittle no storyline. * that is what i think..... After watch the movie... The more i wanted to learn dance! *lala i shall see how bahh Anyone still wanna watch?? i feel like watching it again!!! xD Reached home at 10++... Then recieved angeline phone call. SO went down to meet her. She was hungry... so went mac to eat... chat till about 12 then we went home??? but we was chase out by mac people at 11++ due to some repair work... therefore it have to be closed?? ![]() * dont know what happen... my blood~~~ this happened last week when i am working also. all the invoice or order i take.... all have blood stain on it.. ANYWAY!! I starting my 2 week plan tml! WISH ME GOOD LUCK!!! WOooo!! ^ ^ *should or should i not go school tml?? i am actually quite lazy... somemore i hate this type of planning stuff..... =S She ended HER STORY @ 12:24 AM (: Thursday, March 6, 2008. AGrhhhh....... GOOD MORNING!! ^ ^ My whole body is aching now!!!!! I still feel the "numb" for my hand. I NEED A MASSAGE~~~ CAMPINGGGGGGGGGG Wolfpack! Even though my group might not be the best. But in my heart, WE ARE THE BEST! *awoof* Together we stand! Together we fight!! *Ps. i am not emo kid lahhh* I was being called emo kid by them Just because i skipped my meal!!!! *ahhhhhhh Anyway..... I really have great time with them. 100% Enjoyed!!!!! ^ ^ There is really too much to say about the camp. So i shall not be so naggy!! I shall just cut short by saying........... IT IS SUPER FUN! =P She ended HER STORY @ 9:31 AM (: Wednesday, March 5, 2008. Just came back from the eagle camp. The is only two word that can describe my feeling now! That is " SO TIRED!!!" I am really half dead~~~ The end of my 2 days camp. But it is starting of ME, Becoming a OGL!!! *WOoo! I shall end here first. Will update more about the camp stuff tml! ^ ^ Ps. Everything is over! Once Again! i am back to my normal self!! She ended HER STORY @ 11:48 PM (: Monday, March 3, 2008. ![]() There is alot of thing that i dont understand, and might not understand....... But i think i have enough of it, and it is time to put a ending. If this is want you want, Then OKAY & FINE! ANYWAY!!! As usual... wake up so early even though i slept at 3++. I am just so tired!!! Have been sleeping so late for the past few day. But able to wake up so early!! *Clap clap* AND........ i SAW an car accident JUST NOW?? Then the driver hit and run!! *OMG??* The only thing is that....... Victim was a rat that tried to run across the road!! And i witnessed the whole thing. When i was on my way home..... This rat suddenly run across the path, and dash across the road. Then just nice the car drive pass, SO there go the rat laying on the road. * tata * I couldnt believe my eye even until now. SOoooooooooo..... No word that can discribe. =.= * i am really not joking!! i really saw it!!! * THEN....... I have Enough of eating for today! Have been eating non-stop since i wake up!!!! Must find a way to stop myself for eating like this already! =S I also dont know why.... Just feel like eating even though i just ate something. AHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! TML is the eagle CAMP!!! But i havent decide what to wear! i actually intent to wear jean, BUT not allow lahh!!! OMG~~~ CLASS CHALET COMFIRM!! 26.03 - 28.03 It is finally BOOKED! When everyone almost thought it will gonna be cancel~~ She ended HER STORY @ 9:57 PM (: . Arghhh... WHY am i stil so awake now????? Have been listening to the SAME song over and over again! Then also Changed my song to this...... 杨宗纬 - 洋葱 如果你眼神能够为我 片刻的降临 如果你能听到 心碎的声音 沉默的守护著你 沉默的等奇迹 沉默的让自己 像是空气 大家都吃著聊著笑著 今晚多开心 最角落里的我 笑得多合群 盘底的洋葱像我 永远是调味品 偷偷的看著你 偷偷的隐藏著自己 如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心 你会发现你会讶异 你是我最压抑 最深处的秘密 如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心 你会鼻酸你会流泪 只要你能听到我 看到我的全心全意 听你说你和你的他们 暧昧的空气 我和我的绝望 装得很风趣 我就样一颗洋葱 永远是配角戏 多希望能与你有一秒 专属的剧情 She ended HER STORY @ 2:18 AM (: Sunday, March 2, 2008. NEW blogskin!!! Changed it for the sake of changing it. Decided to take away that taggy for the time beinging. To the last person who tagged my taggy : 专属天使...... Thanks for your words even though i dont know who you are. Today was just a working day. I still wondering what was today date, When i woke up early in the morning. Totally moodless! i didnt have the mood to work And was slacking all day long. Luckily Deborah was also there, If not i comfirm jialat de!! I Completely have no idea about what i am doing and thinking!! Just felt so weird................... ANYWAY!!! 22/50!!! Completed 22 chapters of my book!! Started reading it yesterday night and have completed almost half. i think i can finish reading within this few days. This is the first time i read an english storybook so fast. Usually it wil take days and months to finish! What a miracle!? She ended HER STORY @ 11:23 PM (: |
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My Music Life.
Darlinks. ♥ Angeline ♥ Desmond ♥ Elizabeth ♥ GuoQiang ♥ HuYue ♥ HuiYing ♥ Jeffery ♥ Juliana ♥ Jeslyn ♥ Linda ♥ Ming ♥ Oriana. ♥ TinHeng ♥ WeiLiong ♥ Audrey ♥ ChuHui ♥ CanWen ♥ Eunice ♥ JieYing. ♥ Kenneth. ♥ Maurice. ♥ MeiYi. ♥ Melvyn. ♥ Queky ♥ Raymond ♥ Sarah ♥ Shamin ♥ Tidus ♥ WeiHao
Old Times Rock!:)
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