Miss Fenn ![]() My name's Huifen, Currently Year 3 student @ NYP, Studying DMIT. I am a person you probably mightn't wanna know, or perhaps you might already have known, you don't know whether you knew or not, or maybe you don't even know whether you wanna know after all. Tuesday, July 29, 2008. Totally no mood to study now~ Bad headache, I think due to not enough sleep. Recently didnt sleep well? Tml having DSA practical TEST and Marketing CT. REALLY IS BLESS ME! I dont want to fail any module!! ARghhhhhh!!! What to do!! She ended HER STORY @ 7:58 PM (: Monday, July 28, 2008. New SONG updated! By Xiao Jing Teng 请不要分了以後还记得 亲吻过的承诺 你的永久 已不属於我 默默低头 那时我 很多话梗在喉咙 你的笑你的快乐不是我 爱太多想太多 我能感受 他比我适合 爱放了手 我伪装冷漠 比你先说分手 请原谅我 原谅我不成熟 不爱你是藉口 好让你离开我 请原谅我 好想自私将你占有 一个寂寞就给我承受 换你过更好的生活 请不要分了以後还记得 亲吻过的承诺 你的永久 已不属於我 默默低头 那时我 很多话梗在喉咙 你的笑你的快乐不是我 爱太多想太多 我能感受 他比我适合 爱放了手 我伪装冷漠 比你先说分手 请原谅我 原谅我不成熟 不爱你是藉口 好让你离开我 请原谅我 好想自私将你占有 一个寂寞就给我承受 换你过更好的生活 爱过恨过哭过也笑过 亲吻过你的脆弱 其实我比谁都要懦弱 原谅我 必须假装爱错 别让时间倒流 我怕说不出口 原谅我 没有解释太多心痛 别无所求彻底忘了我 爱原来要舍得 我 难过 我 才懂 She ended HER STORY @ 9:11 PM (: Sunday, July 27, 2008. Just finish changing my blogskins~ But still not yet decide what song to put. Next week is another tough week! Jiayou. She ended HER STORY @ 6:26 AM (: . I am starting to wonder......... She ended HER STORY @ 5:02 AM (: Saturday, July 26, 2008. PHATNITE IS OVER~ Enjoyed myself there. LOVED the amtosphere, music. But not...... still couldnt face it? I guess so.. ANYWAY! I couldnt believe i didnt went straight to bed after such a tiring week. I was so awake even until 5am. I was laying on my bed, With my eye open for dont know how long. Both physical n emotional tired. But just couldnt sleep. Song TIME!!! 我还是你的 你生日 的第一秒钟 用短讯 祝福你快乐 把手机 和胸口靠著 等你回头 说什麼 等到天 沉默的亮了 相爱太久 感觉也变朦胧 你离开 找甚麼 让自己再感动 我的呵护还是你的 坚持抱紧你的软弱 让你像个孩子娇纵 闹情绪发脾气然后泪流 我的温暖还是你的 回来像你没有走过 别怕伸手我不紧握 深爱是伤裂了还能 温柔 不能问 你心情起落 匿名看 你每篇博客 不想让 爱给你负荷 连关怀也远远的 我甘心 眼睛却红了 可能失去 也不能阻止我 把生命 的重心 摆在为你守侯 我的呵护还是你的 坚持抱紧你的软弱 让你像个孩子娇纵 闹情绪发脾气然后泪流 我的温暖还是你的 回来像你没有走过 别怕伸手我不紧握 深爱是伤裂了还能 温柔 我的呵护还是你的 坚持抱紧你的软弱 让你像个孩子娇纵 闹情绪发脾气然后泪流 我的温暖还是你的 回来像你没有走过 别怕伸手我不紧握 深爱是伤裂了还能 温柔 nocomments. . . . also no rights to say anything anymore. She ended HER STORY @ 5:47 AM (: Thursday, July 24, 2008. Just finish watching the ch u show. No matter how hard we try to be. Afterall, nobody is perfect~ WAHAHAHA~ TODAY~ Present day? Belated birthday present from . . . . . Thanks.. REally Thanks. . I Will JIAYOU de! Same goes to you ok~ ~ Then... KitKatssss from jiaxu~ My logan for this week, " " i needabreak, have a kitkat? " " Now i have a KitKat, But no Break~~ " BORING " Happiness & Love is always in our own hand. But what matter most, Depends on do we know how to cherish it. Usually its too late, when we realise the importance. I am not refering to anyone. *SERIOUSLY* WAHAHAHAHA! FINALLY~~~~~ TML IS PHAT NIGHT!!! QUICKKKKKKKKKKKK!! Let Everything END~ :: Conculsion for the day :: 我放不过我自己 ! I am just another selfish person . . . She ended HER STORY @ 11:24 AM (: . 24July~ I am 19years n 1 month old~ And also a day i never forget~ But i guess this year today should be like normal day! WOooooo~ I guess i am too bored after facing that IP project~ My mind now is only master page, tables, link and that song~~~ Shall slowly consider if i should dye back colour.... lalalalalal~~ sTill not used to seeing myself~ I think i had coloured hair since sec 2?? yes or nooooooooo~ Chocolate does work~ She ended HER STORY @ 12:11 AM (: Wednesday, July 23, 2008. Random~~ Gone & Back~ 不再相信爱会有奇迹, 转一圈回到了原地 让一切归零. . . . . . 过去式 Past Tense - Cannot be change~ 现在式 Present Tense - Time to cherish~ 未来式 Future Tense - Unknown~ Dear friends, Huifennnnnn is a strong girl! and will also take care~ Dont Worryy!! ^ ^ Anyway! 2DAYS to PHATNIGHT! By then everything shall end~ And its TIME TO STUDYYYYY~ WOoooo!! Cant wait till 28 Aug! My last paper! Then can FINALLY rest and play! She ended HER STORY @ 11:39 PM (: Tuesday, July 22, 2008. Sudden breakdown. Reaching my limit, Think i really need a break! Couldnt believe what is happening to mee~ She ended HER STORY @ 11:11 PM (: . Having lesson at 10, But reached school at 9.15! Almost 1 hour early! So came online to bloggggg~ Now, i am sitting outside my lecture room, looking at my lappy, Waiting for time to pass. Seriously dont have mood to do my project. I was sitting in front of my lappy staring at it for dont know how long. Completely have no idea where i should start. Later have to present my wdpd project, but i still havent start doing my flash~ Got to make full use of the breaktime later. I think i shall postpone handing in my IP project. Later phat night still have trial run~ OneWord.... =.= Anyway so many people have asked me about my last entry~ The dearrrrr part...... Hmmm. that 2 sentence is not written by me. Just now..... Almost..... Runaway. . I guess so. . . . I still dont have the courage~ She ended HER STORY @ 9:28 AM (: Monday, July 21, 2008. I guess i shall stop eating my chocolate~ If not really~~~!!!!!!! Somemore, my throat getting worst. Scare to lose my voice again~ Stuggling With my IP~~ * headache DSA Practical TEST on WED! Deadly SHIT!!! 4DAys to PhatNight.. Seriously feels like backing Out.... This week will be a tough week~ dearrr~~ i'm so in love with you!! wo ai ni yi sheng yi shi....... She ended HER STORY @ 3:48 PM (: Sunday, July 20, 2008. IP, WPDP & DSA~ Time To RUSHhhhhhhhh!!! Huifen Jiayouuuuuu!! Dyed my hair black~ *Sound alittle crazy??? Didnt think much about. But not used to it. Feeling so werid looking at myself~ Time Needed!! Feeling Sick~ She ended HER STORY @ 9:48 PM (: . NEW SONG 凌晨的飞机 随歌忐忑飞行 从相机里面正视着回忆 背景是层影 我哪里都不想擦去 到哪里痛楚计算清 怕遗憾拖远 易碎的情绪我收听 想你在一起 我却身不由己 你每次伤心 我每次缺席遥远的距离 我以为我们的爱 情誓言里还会有转机 没想到陌生机场 写下结局 各自的转机 我放不过我自己 转一圈回到了原地 眼泪是一种提醒我很爱你 让一切归零 我放不过我自己 仍相信爱会有奇迹 人群中我正逃离 我抱着你 我们的爱情还未完待续 想你在一起 我却身不由己 你每次伤心 我每次缺席遥远的距离 我以为我们的爱情 誓言里还会有转机 没想到陌生机场 写下结局 各自的转机 我放不过我自己 转一圈回到了原地 眼泪是一种提醒 我很爱你 让一切归零 我放不过我自己 仍相信爱会有奇迹 人群中我正逃离 我抱着你 我们的爱情还未完待续 (我放不过我自己) 转一圈回到了原地 眼泪是一种提醒我很爱你' 让一切归零 我放不过我自己 仍相信爱会有奇迹寻 找我们的转机 我抱着你我们的爱情还未完待续 (我放不过我自己) 眼泪是一种提醒 让我们一起回忆 我们的爱情 我放不过我自己 眼泪是一种提醒 我们的 我们的我们的爱爱爱爱 我放不过我自己 眼泪是一种提醒 让我们一起回忆我们的爱情 我放不过我自己 眼泪是一种提醒我们的 我们的我们的爱爱爱爱 - Misses - She ended HER STORY @ 9:17 PM (: Friday, July 18, 2008. Expected and UnExpected... But i guess really not suitable.. Sorry for what i have done.. Other then *Sorry... I cant think of other word to say..... Helpless.... There is nothing i can do, To reduce the hurt to you.. Confuse... I seriously have no idea of what i am thinking or doing.. Just my fault.... She ended HER STORY @ 10:46 PM (: Thursday, July 17, 2008. That is the best i can.... Unexpected this............ No matter what, Dont intent to do any changes for now..... She ended HER STORY @ 12:18 AM (: Wednesday, July 16, 2008. THE END. . . . . . . . She ended HER STORY @ 11:16 PM (: . Random Post~ Is the answer really that important to you. Why did you wait till now.... Why bother to ask now... Making me start to wonder And feel so uncertain. Dont ask me what really happened Or went wrong... I seriously also have no idea What cause all this to become today. Now... Everything just is not important anymore. Sick and tired of this......... Just too late?? She ended HER STORY @ 11:19 AM (: Tuesday, July 15, 2008. OMG!!! Almost lost my digital camera batt and charger~ I was charging it during my lecture. And i just forget about it after the lesson. Just went off happily without reaslising it. Until almost 30min after the lesson end??? IT is just like a nightmare~ Went back the lecture hall, But couldnt find it.... Called others to ask if they see it anot. But none of them seen it.. Superrr sad lahh! I already asking my friend TO help me check the price of it. BUT luckily!! I manage to find it~~ One of my lecture hall mate saw n took. SO *HENG!!! If i really lost it..... I comfirm superrr emo now~~ XD Careless meeeeeeeee!!! I realise i am alway so lucky~ Always Manage to find what i lost~ Expect................... She ended HER STORY @ 10:55 PM (: . What a day!! Nothing to blog.... Speechless! EQUAL! THE END! 如果最美好的早已留在你心中 , 那在多的选择也只会视而不见..... She ended HER STORY @ 1:18 AM (: Thursday, July 10, 2008. Was having lecture for the whole day. Managed to finish my Marketing Report outside the lecture room during lesson time??? Tml got CS presentation. Got to wear formal wear... OMG! Bless me! Got 9999%....... =P Please dont be so careless k? must be more careful next time. Really felt worried for you. Keep hearing that you injure yourself... Sorry for making you sad today. Dont alway blame yourself for anything... you really is the besttttt!! ^ ^ She ended HER STORY @ 11:15 PM (: . 爱爱爱爱了几回 也明白其中滋味 付出的从来不会等于收回 我却还在等待着谁能出现 伤伤伤伤了几回 也曾经为爱憔悴 爱情里好人总比坏人狼狈 我却还是学不会狠心对谁 男人男人多希望你是好人 多希望用你的真让我不必再心疼 女人女人我答应做个好人 我答应用我一生来换你的快乐一生 爱爱爱爱了几回 也明白其中滋味 付出的从来不会等于收回 我却还在等待着谁能出现 伤伤伤伤了几回 也曾经为爱憔悴 爱情好人总比坏人狼狈 我却还是学不会狠心对谁 男人男人多希望你是好人 希望用你的真让我不必再心疼 女人女人我答应做个好人 我答应用我一生来换你的快乐一生 男人男人多希望你是好人 多希望用你的真让我不必再心疼 女人女人我答应做个好人 不会再让我(你)心疼一等再等 你就是我等的那个人 男人男人 女人女人 多么希望你是对的人 * Why does listening to sad song mean emo???? I dont feel emo listening to this song. Simply just love it....... if anyone have any question for me, can just come to me straight...... No need to bother asking others. She ended HER STORY @ 11:28 AM (: Wednesday, July 9, 2008. EXAM TIMETABLE IS OUT~ This time round have 3 papers again!! 25 Aug (Mon) - It2838 Internet Programming 27 Aug (Wed) - It2841 Computing Math 28 Aug (Thu) - It2837 Operating System Management Miss, Misses, Missing............. She ended HER STORY @ 10:28 AM (: Tuesday, July 8, 2008. ![]() Can u believe we queued 1hours + just to buy these??? We Just now went to the HOKKIDO FAIR! Always dont feel like buying when seeing the long Q. Then Just now suddenly decided to Queue up for it. So Randommmmmm!!!!! It is really super duper nice. Red BEannnnnnnn n Custardddddd!!! wOoo~~ * I think will Queue again? xD * I think the auntie really feel like killing us. Guess how many did the few of us bought? Ans : 120 *Why?? Because each person only can buy max of 40 each. I think we jam the whole Q. Causing them to close later! But too bad. We helping so many people to buy.. =P ![]() These 3 colour reminds you of what?? Green, Yellow/Orange, Red Ans: Traffic Light!!!! xD Arghhhh.. DOnt have much lesson for today.. But still got to do my marketing assignement & CS project!! Anyway!! A Simple n Sweet day for today~ Thanks ^ ^ She ended HER STORY @ 11:06 PM (: Monday, July 7, 2008. YEAHHHH!!! Passed my WDD lab and IP Practical test!!! CONGRATION TO ME! ^ ^ Attutide BACK! I LOVE MYSELF!!!!! =P *Fated To Love You* She ended HER STORY @ 9:11 PM (: Saturday, July 5, 2008. 加油加油!!!! Simply NOT Me. . . . . She ended HER STORY @ 4:49 PM (: Friday, July 4, 2008. I Forget To Bring My Phone Out AGAIN!!!! REcently keep forgetting to bring my phone out. Why am i feeling so blur recently!!!!! Luckily today lesson ended quite early. So went home to take my phone~ moodless to studiesss... This week....... Got "B" for WDD lab test & "C+" for Com Math common test. Superrrr HEng!!! Didnt expect i will pass this two. Because i completely dont understand what my math teacher is teaching. Then i retook the WDD lab test. So i though will just get a pass. Will get to know WDD & DSA common test result next week Arghhh!! *focus focus! * Anyway can anyone tell me... CAn this be trusted???? Sound alittle funny to me.. http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2016637 She ended HER STORY @ 10:55 PM (: Thursday, July 3, 2008. ![]() PSP~~~ White, Purple, Pink , Mint Green... ![]() It is not my birthday... But i also got a present! FRom the arcade! =PpP Wahhhhahaha!!!! She ended HER STORY @ 9:41 PM (: . CELEBRATION FOR SIYI & BOON! She ended HER STORY @ 8:59 PM (: . The shortest word for me is "I" The sweetest word for me is "MISS" The only one for me is "YOU" She ended HER STORY @ 7:51 PM (: . on MC~~~~~~~ Excuse for not going lesson~ ANyway!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO.... Siyi, Boon & jieying!! ^ ^ She ended HER STORY @ 1:19 AM (: |
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