Miss Fenn ![]() My name's Huifen, Currently Year 3 student @ NYP, Studying DMIT. I am a person you probably mightn't wanna know, or perhaps you might already have known, you don't know whether you knew or not, or maybe you don't even know whether you wanna know after all. Sunday, August 31, 2008. WAHHHHHHH~ PAIN ARHHHHH! I hate that dentist I think there he abit something wrong. 4 injection for that "operation" ? This is what he said. First wisdom tooth plucked. Until now still dont feel like talking. Can taste the blood in my mouth. eeeyerrr. Scary! but not as scary as i expected. AS usual, He keep talking to me, When he know i cant talk. He is just being talkive! I think he cant stop his mouth moving for 1 min, DO I LOOK SO WEAK?????? Say until i like super weak, Will cry anytime. Next week still need to go back again, Need to go back remove the thread. He say bleed too much. And he give me so many medicine lor. Total i think he give 5 different one. 3 antibiotics and 2 painkiller. FEVER PLEASE DONT COME LE! You are not welcome. She ended HER STORY @ 12:22 PM (: Saturday, August 30, 2008. It's HOLIDAY Yesterday. We went out for dinner and timbre to slack. Queued super long for it. xD Drinking make people high? We ended up kissing each other. opps! Anyway really had alot of fun. Actually. Find myself quite useless. Just cant forget. Why bother when u know other dont bother?? She ended HER STORY @ 10:13 AM (: Thursday, August 28, 2008. FINALLY OVER! And FINALLY K.O~ NOW IT'S MY HOLIDAY! I am deadly tired!~!~!~ Conculsion for this semt Firstly, HOpe result wont come out so soon, let me enjoy my holiday first, this time the result comfirm GG! QUICK! Wish me good luck?? Secondly, I heard that MIT is comfirm going over to SEG side. Does that really matter if we are in SIT or SEG? It really doesnt matter at all. at least for me? xD LASTLY! Huifen is bored! Please find something for her to do. Other then STUDYING! She ended HER STORY @ 10:05 PM (: Wednesday, August 27, 2008. Com Math Paper. Finally over! 1 more is down. Left with 1 more to go. Anyway. Thanks to kenneth and new friend's friend. Got a free ride home. Reached home so fast! WAHAHAHA~ NOW time for OSM!!!!!!!!! =P TML~ My last paper. And Here come my holiday! OHYA! FRIENDS :: I am not in love nor out of love. I just put it as my nick, BEcause i love this sentence. So dont ask me le. I Miss you more than yesterday But nothing is compared to tomorrow. * My pain starting to pain again. I can feel that my fever coming back again. She ended HER STORY @ 4:52 PM (: Monday, August 25, 2008. IP EXAM OVER! Finally one paper down. Today alot of people last paper, while it is my first paper. WAHAHAHA! Cant believe i forget my seat number! Only remembr is either 354 or 345. quickly smsed maurice but his is 343. i seriously think i remember wrong after knowing his. I really got a cute sister! I called her to switch on my lappy to help me check. Fast enough, she called me back within a min! asking me how to switch on my lappy! DAMN CUTE! I couldnt stop myself laugh. xD Anyway. The paper was a tough one. left with 2 papers. Com Math and OSM! Jiayou! Just another 3days more. WErid Peoples. I know i am from NYP. So surprise to see me is tampines mah. Dont need to shout till so loud. Crazy! =P She ended HER STORY @ 11:49 PM (: Sunday, August 24, 2008. This world is kinda of werid. I can tell others the same thing, But i cant do it myself. Words are indeed easier to say, But hard to do it. Becoming my daily habit. Its not up to my choice? Maybe it just an excuse. WAHAHAHAAH~ ineverknow|understand. Andshallnot know|understand Countdown! IP Paper - 1day ComMath Paper - 3days OSM Paper - 4days Just 4 more days! Everything will END! I will bear with it for this 4 days more. Then shall be HOLIDAY! JIAYOUUUUUUU! I AM WAITING~ She ended HER STORY @ 9:29 PM (: Saturday, August 23, 2008. Olympics Fever. WAHAHAHA i was Watching the Taekwondo competition, They are so great!! =X Firstly, the girl from taiwan! No matter how painful her leg was, she still insist in continue the competition. * clap clap clap * Even though she only manage to get 5th, I believe she is the winner in most people heart. Secondly, LOPEZ Steven is super cool! xD ANYWAY! just now Went to a resturant nearby my grandma for dinner. Dont know what my mummy told my grandma n aunt. all keep nagging at me. arghhh!! Poor me! EXams COMING! Next week shall be my doom day! Good luck everyone! =P My flu~ when are you going to leave me? She ended HER STORY @ 11:24 PM (: Tuesday, August 19, 2008. Ever SInce that kBox session last week I started to listen to alot of songs I used to have. Really miss listening to these songs. ANYWAY! Changed the song played in my bloggy. Find this song very nice and meaningful. LYRIC I've seen you before In the back of my memory I looked in your eyes And felt the truth in me You're finally here Been waiting so long You took my hand And told me to believe Now I know that you are the answers to my prayers and You are my warmth and my strength, I'm not afraid now Time will soon embrace our bound destiny I'll spread my wings and fly to where I belong This is our journey You picked me up From the shadows of pain How was I to know That I would love again So I know that often our minds maybe misleading But my heart is not willing to stop, I feel it burning Time will soon embrace our bound destiny I'll spread my wings and fly to where I belong It hurts to be untrue To what I've gained through you I cannot live forever I know that I belong to only you... So I know that often our minds maybe misleading But my heart is not willing to stop. I feel it burning Time will soon embrace our bound destiny Unfold my wings and I'm flying to you... Now I know that you are the answers to my prayers and You are my warmth and my strength, I'm not afraid now Time will soon embrace our bound destiny So spread my wings and I'm flying to you, Cause I know that where I belong is with you, And my heart will flourish on moments that I'm... With you. She ended HER STORY @ 12:53 AM (: Monday, August 18, 2008. Can anyone believe I am sick again for almost 1 week. I guess my fever just love me, and dont wanna leave me.. xD But i just love the person that invent PANADOL! The person is my SUPERHERO! So CLEVER!! Deserve * CLAP CLAP * Dont know how many panadol, I have ate for the past week. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ Somemore someone still scare me that, It might be dengue fever. =.= Where got so easy will tio that. But i think is just normal flu and fever. First paper is in a week time. Must gambatte!! Didnt study much for the past week. 7Days TO IP PAPER 9Days TO ComMath PAPER 10Days To OSM PAPER 檫生而过,也是一种很深的缘分 She ended HER STORY @ 8:28 PM (: Tuesday, August 12, 2008. AWAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Used to being sooooooo Random!! Got the answer i wanted to know. Hmmmmm. I think OKAY bah. Just Speechlessss!! HAHA. ithinkso. 命中注定百分之一百要发生的事, 就是命中注定 She ended HER STORY @ 3:00 PM (: Monday, August 11, 2008. Werid dream i have. More like a nightmare to me. Managed to wake me up, in the middle of the night, With cold sweat. BLESS it wont happen in real life? If not........ TODAY. Got to enjoy my day! No more second thoughts. She ended HER STORY @ 8:49 AM (: Sunday, August 10, 2008. I LOVE MY PLAYLIST!!!! 如果忽远忽近的洒脱 是你要的自由 那我宁愿回到一个人生活 如果忽冷忽热的温柔 是你的借口 那我宁愿对你从没认真过 到底这感觉谁对谁错 我已不想追究 越是在乎的人越是猜不透 She ended HER STORY @ 11:47 PM (: . Arghhhhh! Still cant find the song sing by Wangzi! Waiting to watch their new drama. Even though it looked quite lame. =.= 請你原諒我不懂逗你開心 請你原諒我不懂聽你的心 回想著過去 我學著讓你更安心 別賭氣 別任性 別放棄 請你相信我 我會更加珍惜 請你相信我 我會呵護著你 She ended HER STORY @ 2:35 AM (: . HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! Happy National Day! Finished my common test papers. 2 paper down. Left with 3 papers. Ip, OSM and ComMath. But planning to take a break first. Seriously not in mood to study. But i still will work hard. Getting alittle sick. Is sick or tired? Hmmmmmmm. I also dont know. Also doesnt matter. PLAY HARD and STUDY HARD! Jiayou huifen! idontwannaknow. She ended HER STORY @ 2:06 AM (: Tuesday, August 5, 2008. Cant believe what i was doing. I wrote a super long post just now, But i dont intent to post it out. Sound alittle stupid. XD Alot of people told me this, Dont keep everything inside your heart. Anything must say out. But i know i wont. I have already used to it. A habit that i cant change, And also wont. Emo is really not my style. I am just waiting for the day. She ended HER STORY @ 3:55 AM (: Monday, August 4, 2008. COUNTDOWN : 2days - EC CT 4days - ComSKill CT GIRL!!!!! TIME TO WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPPP! ANYWAY! I LOVE ELVA NEW ALBUM! Highly recommanded by MEEEEEEE!!! HAHAHAHAHAAH~ 幸福像是如履薄冰 She ended HER STORY @ 11:11 PM (: Sunday, August 3, 2008. Runaway...... She ended HER STORY @ 2:29 AM (: Friday, August 1, 2008. Feeling relaxing for this 2 day. Expect for my headache~ Yesterday went back school for math lecture only. After that no more lesson. Then today no school!!!! Did something very stupid! I deleted all the songs in my mp3. I think i will be having a hard time putting back all the songsssss. Will be having 2 common test next week. EC n ComSkill! GBM~~~~ I NEED MY STUDY MOOD!!! WHERE HAVE IT GONE??? =.= Tml Tml Tml Tml Tml Tml Tml Tml Tml. The day! *scareeeeeeeeee* Die lahhhhhhh~ =X Good Luck for me! WHATEVER HAPPENS, HAPPENS FOR A REASON. She ended HER STORY @ 7:51 PM (: |
Diclaimers You are http://mee-and-myself.blogspot.com Everything here belongs to me, So don't try to rip or steal. Do not Flood MY blog No spamming is allowed. Spams will be deleted. Vulgarites are strictly not allowed. If you want you may write but please put ***** as the words. This is my blog so please follow according to the rules.Thanks If you don't like this place, by all means, click here. Web Information BLOG STARTED: 01.01.2008 she LOVES. HER. Family. Friends. Music. Food. Shopping. Sleeping. Television. Watching Moviess. Day Dreaming. she HATES. School. Beinging Misunderstood. LIARS!!. Hypocrites. bitches. bastards. Dear Santa.. Who can fulfill my wishlist?
My Music Life.
Darlinks. ♥ Angeline ♥ Desmond ♥ Elizabeth ♥ GuoQiang ♥ HuYue ♥ HuiYing ♥ Jeffery ♥ Juliana ♥ Jeslyn ♥ Linda ♥ Ming ♥ Oriana. ♥ TinHeng ♥ WeiLiong ♥ Audrey ♥ ChuHui ♥ CanWen ♥ Eunice ♥ JieYing. ♥ Kenneth. ♥ Maurice. ♥ MeiYi. ♥ Melvyn. ♥ Queky ♥ Raymond ♥ Sarah ♥ Shamin ♥ Tidus ♥ WeiHao
Old Times Rock!:)
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