Miss Fenn ![]() My name's Huifen, Currently Year 3 student @ NYP, Studying DMIT. I am a person you probably mightn't wanna know, or perhaps you might already have known, you don't know whether you knew or not, or maybe you don't even know whether you wanna know after all. Wednesday, December 31, 2008. This shall be the last post for this year~ Changed the song of my blog~ Loved her lovely angel voice. Tml shall be a new start of a year. And this bloggy first year~ Lyric of the song~ You ask me if I love you And I choke on my reply I'd rather hurt you honestly Then mislead you with a lie And who am I to judge you On what you say or do? I'm only just beginning to see the real you And sometimes when we touch♥ The honesty's too much And I have to close my eyes and hide I wanna hold you til I die Till we both break down and cry I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides Romance and all its strategy Leaves me battling with my pride But through the insecurity Some tenderness survives I'm just another writer Still trapped within my truth A hesitant prize fighter Still trapped within my youth And sometimes when we touch♥ The honesty's too much And I have to close my eyes and hide I wanna hold you til I die Till we both break down and cry I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides At times I'd like to break you And drive you to your knees At times I'd like to break through And hold you endlessly At times I understand you And I know how hard you've tried I've watched while love commands you And I've watched love pass you by At times I think we're drifters Still searching for a friend A brother or a sister But then the passion flares again And sometimes when we touch♥ The honesty's too much And I have to close my eyes and hide I wanna hold you til I die Till we both break down and cry I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides She ended HER STORY @ 7:28 PM (: . Last day of 2008, A new start of a year 2009. Why time passes so fast?? She is sick~ bleah. What is Everything??? She ended HER STORY @ 6:14 PM (: Tuesday, December 30, 2008. Still with my holiday mood. But back to boring school life. Bless me~ She ended HER STORY @ 3:12 AM (: Sunday, December 28, 2008. Things don’t always go the way we wish them to go. Sometimes you may find yourself losing control of everything in your life. Sometimes you may find yourself helpless not knowing what to do and sometimes you find yourself feeling pain because of the bad way life is treating you with. We all are subject to these ups and downs of life and no one is completely safe. I don't expect that I will ever be happy for any length of time, and that I'll always have to struggle to find even a few fleeting moments of happiness. The truth is I feeling so tired mentally. She ended HER STORY @ 11:16 PM (: Saturday, December 27, 2008. 24.12.2008 - Christmas Eve Athough it wasnt as quiet as i wanted it to be, but we realy had lots of fun. Watched 2 movie in a days, bedtime stories and IP man. Both movie was really nice~ Met beth, kang, jared after my first movie, bedtime stories at about 7+. Then headed to kang house to watch little nynoya! Continued watching at mobtv until ben was ready. Firstly, we went to had our beancurd. Then headed to plaza for the movie, IP man. After Movie, we went mount faber for a short tour and moved to East coast Park~ We are well prepared, we brought firework and spray to play there. The only disappointment was that we didnt manage to get to see sun rise~ I guess is because of the bad weather?? * forget to bring my digital camera out! * Anyway MERRY CHRISTMAS~ She ended HER STORY @ 11:56 PM (: . I guess it is time to update again. . . 23.12.2008 - Crystal's wedding I think there isnt much for me to say, Expect beinging happy for her. Especially seeing the happy look on her face. She got her happinesss~ HER hubby putting on the present we brought her. Reading the card~~ Happily ever after~ She ended HER STORY @ 11:40 PM (: Wednesday, December 24, 2008. Dear Santa, i want a christmas wish. . . She ended HER STORY @ 3:29 AM (: Thursday, December 18, 2008. I am still so tired!!! *yawn~ As usual, no matter what time i sleep, i will auto wake up super early. meet beth again in the afternoon, accompany her to put tattoo~ Okay, at first i am also tempted to put, but dont think i wants to put for NOW. *Maybe future?* but if can put for free, then i dont need to consider~ =X She ended HER STORY @ 11:20 PM (: . I shall post about what i have been doing recently. Didnt update for quite a long time already. First week of holiday. 16.12.2008 - CElebration of Jared belated birthday! My doggy is getting older!!! OLD DOGGY! =P We went zoo in the morning, and..... conculsion is zoo is a smelly place!! after that we went back amk hub to meet beth and weng, and headed toward some wula place at amk for dinner and it cost us $446.40! woooo~ Then we went to a pub at changi village, i dont think i wannt to go back to that pub again. SEE NO EVIL!!! Dont know for what reason, all of us got so highhhh~~~ and started dancing there. I hate the taste of beer! dont know why so many people love drinking it. =.= Anyway it was a superrrrrrrr memorable day. It wont be easy for all of us to meet out like this. Most of them is going to NS next year. I cant wait for them to see their new hairstlye. 17.12.2008 After getting so high at the pub, few of us were like planning to go club the next day. so beth, weng, kang and me went zirca~ As it was ladies night, beth and me went in for free~ So overall we spend like less than $10? after clubbing, we went 201 for prata. Hmm, i wasnt really in the mood to club anymore. She is tired of night life. So she shall be a good girl, no more night life for her OKAY! so ask me go out until late night anymore. =X will be uploading the pictures soon~ She wants a slient christmas............. She ended HER STORY @ 10:49 PM (: Saturday, December 13, 2008. She lost her christmas mood, She lost her mood to do everything. She lost her motivation. She losing herself. She feeling sooooooooooooooooo aimless~ SHE IS SERIOUSLY NOT HERSELF! She ended HER STORY @ 12:17 AM (: Friday, December 12, 2008. Common TEST is over. lala~ Which mean...... IT IS TERM BREAK! Term Break doesnt seem like a break time anymore. So much thing to do.... arghhhhh! Time to listen to some old song. I only started listening to it recently. Dont remember hearing it before.. =X By Sun yan zi - 等于结束的爱情 我和你 从两个窗口看出去 往事远远地 演着一场无声的电影 没人注意 躲着回忆的生体 带领我 和你的名字向前进 作废的曾经 留在离开你那天 挥不去 因为太了解 所以很伤心 没有你只好听着风的呼吸 却有种叫做时间的东西 说没问题 最后我们会痊愈 因为太了解 我无法坚定 这一次会要掉眼泪的决定 有些遗憾只能一个人听 很对不起 我还是珍惜 所有的事情 And Jay zhou- 坐着我的摩托车 载你缓缓的离开 考不上好的学校 可以不微笑就走 把手慢慢交给我 放下心中的困惑 雨点从两旁划过 割开两种精神的我 经过老伯的家 篮框变得好高 爬过的那棵树 又何时变得渺小 这样也好 开始没人注意到我 开始没人注意到你我 等雨变强之前 我们将会分化软弱 趁时间没发觉 让我带着你离开 没有了证明 没有了空虚 基于两种立场我会罩着你 趁时间没发觉 让我带着你离开 这不是顽固 这不是逃避 没人帮着你走才快乐 She ended HER STORY @ 12:04 AM (: Saturday, December 6, 2008. At my previous entry, I posted a black and white picture with some splash of colours. Now see another version of it. Someone helped me to add colours to it. It is seriously super nice! I really it a lot. FEeling kinda of surprise and touched. I think it is not easy to do this. =X Thank you dumb dumb! ![]() She ended HER STORY @ 11:47 PM (: Thursday, December 4, 2008. Tomorrow is friday! Why so many people telling me tml no school! SO UNFAIR! I stil have to go back school at 8am for lesson. Somemore is AIM Lab TEst!!! Then still got ITP n NT lesson. NT lab test have postpone till after term break. But lesson still continue~ SAd case? Bless me for my AIM tml! xD ![]() can someone please add some colour to my life? * She felt so sorry~ She ended HER STORY @ 11:52 PM (: Wednesday, December 3, 2008. My fav sentence recently : Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. We should really treasure eveyday time, Because we never know what will happen tomorrow. I have been thinking what will i really will do if i know i am dying tomorrow. I know it is stupid but then. . . . . Still kinda worth thinking about it right?? Different people give me different answer. But i still cant find my answer. I think everyone better start thinking about it now~ xD Another question is are you afraid of dying? I think i am afraid, but yet i wanna die early. So confusing right?? lalalalalala~~ some might think that my thinking is kinda of werid. BUT I am not being negative okay! For now, she is still searching for what she really wants, HER future, HER dreams . . . what else??? She ended HER STORY @ 11:38 PM (: . Eeeeeeeeyerrrr!!! That jared brought samsung Omnia!!! Why did he buy that phone!! Making me so upset!! BAD DOGGY! Can anyone tell me why did i go school today??? Lesson started at 10am. Was kinda sleepy as i slept late last night. So through out the lesson, i was in my blurrrr mode. =X After that during our break time, All of us decided to skip the lectures, And decided to go outside school for a walk. None of us were in the mood to study. That kenneth drove us to IMM, BECAUSE of free parking for the first 3 hours. =.= He was super excited because he driving manual car. And was driving like some mad guy. xD After that, we came back school wanting to attend the breifing. After wsting almost one hour of our time. Then we decided again, not to go for it. Make us sound so stupid???????? Instead, we went bishan looking for christmas present. We skipped our lesson and went out. But we came back after our lesson ended, and wasted our time in school doing nothing. Ended up skipped our breifing again. WE seriously came school for nothing. xD * I Said something wrong today!! =X * She ended HER STORY @ 10:53 PM (: Tuesday, December 2, 2008. She hate even week Tuesday! Because she have to carry the super thick DDI book and her lappy. I think i wannna try weight both items! my lappy already 2+kg + the book! Meet my doggy and waikiang when i reached inter. Luckily one helped me take lappy, the other help me take my book! weeeeee! Both of them acc me to see something. My doggy look emo... =X Then saw boon n her mum on the bus. Such a small world?? xD Hmmmmm. CAn someone save me?? Yesterday is IS Lab Test. Today finished the DDI Quiz~ AIM report to be submitted on --> friday AIM Lab test -- > friday NT LAB TEST --> friday Next week = Common test DDI Common test --> tue RAD Common test --> thur I now cant wait for holiday and christmas to come!!! Starting to plan for my christmas already. HAHAHA! She ended HER STORY @ 11:02 PM (: |
Diclaimers You are http://mee-and-myself.blogspot.com Everything here belongs to me, So don't try to rip or steal. Do not Flood MY blog No spamming is allowed. Spams will be deleted. Vulgarites are strictly not allowed. If you want you may write but please put ***** as the words. This is my blog so please follow according to the rules.Thanks If you don't like this place, by all means, click here. Web Information BLOG STARTED: 01.01.2008 she LOVES. HER. Family. Friends. Music. Food. Shopping. Sleeping. Television. Watching Moviess. Day Dreaming. she HATES. School. Beinging Misunderstood. LIARS!!. Hypocrites. bitches. bastards. Dear Santa.. Who can fulfill my wishlist?
My Music Life.
Darlinks. ♥ Angeline ♥ Desmond ♥ Elizabeth ♥ GuoQiang ♥ HuYue ♥ HuiYing ♥ Jeffery ♥ Juliana ♥ Jeslyn ♥ Linda ♥ Ming ♥ Oriana. ♥ TinHeng ♥ WeiLiong ♥ Audrey ♥ ChuHui ♥ CanWen ♥ Eunice ♥ JieYing. ♥ Kenneth. ♥ Maurice. ♥ MeiYi. ♥ Melvyn. ♥ Queky ♥ Raymond ♥ Sarah ♥ Shamin ♥ Tidus ♥ WeiHao
Old Times Rock!:)
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