Miss Fenn ![]() My name's Huifen, Currently Year 3 student @ NYP, Studying DMIT. I am a person you probably mightn't wanna know, or perhaps you might already have known, you don't know whether you knew or not, or maybe you don't even know whether you wanna know after all. Saturday, January 31, 2009. Updated new blgskins. Updated new song list. She seriously love the singer of those song. She really a superrrrrrr nice voice. Take a break, listen to her song. It will help to relax? ^ ^ Sit back and enjoy? =P She ended HER STORY @ 1:04 AM (: Wednesday, January 28, 2009. my Biggest mistake! I cant do anything to change~ There is also nothing i can do! There isnt any second chance in life~ There isnt any person not enough enough for another? She ended HER STORY @ 4:00 AM (: Saturday, January 24, 2009. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! WEeeeee! GOng xi fa cai? any ang bao for meeeeE?? Maybe everyone have a good new year! She ended HER STORY @ 9:40 PM (: Thursday, January 22, 2009. Anyway! i pressed the "send" button already. Leaving the rest to fate~! I dont intent to bother anymore! Just wait for the result and see~ What a new year!!!!! Nothing gone right for her! Losing her voice on a presenation day. AT THIS TIME AGAIN! ARghhhhhhhhhh! Test Test Test!!! Quiz Quiz Quiz!!! Common TESTTTT!!! EXAMSSSSSSSSSS!!! She ended HER STORY @ 10:48 PM (: Wednesday, January 21, 2009. i dont know what i am doing. I am not doing what i should!!!!!!!!!! For this week, I am still left with 1 Test, 1 Lab TEst and 1 Presentation. I guess i am really aging!! All festive is nothing to me anymore. Not looking forward, dont feel like celebrating! It isnt that good to be so clever. Sometime being stupid might be better! She ended HER STORY @ 11:43 PM (: Monday, January 19, 2009. Firstly...... ARGHHHHHHHH! Tml is my doom day! DDI Quiz, RAD Lab Test and NTP presentation! HOLYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! But my mind is still about the story book! I CANT CONCENTRATEEEEE!!!! Secondly... My belly stud dropped! NO SCARRRR PLEASE!!!! Already 4 monthssssssss. Why do it have to drop at this time... =X FLuuuuu is coming back to me again? oh noooooooooo!! She ended HER STORY @ 9:10 PM (: Sunday, January 18, 2009. SHE NEED THE NEXT BOOK NOWWWWW!!! ARGHHHH!! She ended HER STORY @ 11:52 PM (: Saturday, January 17, 2009. I shall type my blog slowly!!!! In case of any typo error?????????? =.= I AM SOOOOOO SORRY HUH~ I posted 2 entries a day okay!! SOmemore both is more than a word. =P She ended HER STORY @ 11:42 PM (: . TIME TO UPDATE!!! SOmeone accused me for not updating. My last entries is only 3 days ago. Yet he said i havent been updating my blog. Saying i should have at least blog a word, "BORing". Now i am going to write more than a word kkkk!! xD I FINISHED READING TWILIGHT!!!! Yeahhhhhhhh! I spent almost my whole night reading it. Until i read finish!! I am completely addicited to the story. I shall start reading my new moon! =P I think please dont be surprise if i am short slighted! bookworm fennnnn =P 我可以划一个圈当做是完美句点吗? She ended HER STORY @ 11:30 PM (: Wednesday, January 14, 2009. Exam timetable is OUT!!!!! But WHERE is common test timetable??? 17 feb 2009 - Network technology Paper 19 feb 2009 - Database Design & Implementation 23 feb 2009 - Object-Oriented Analysis & Design 23 feb is the last day of her suffering dayssss! ^ ^ ANYWAY. I think common test will be around chinese new year. I got so many movie that i want to watch. SO many thing i wanna do.. The Wedding Game, Inkheart, Bride Wars. . . . . . . There is nothing to be happy in my life. SO should i be happy????? She ended HER STORY @ 11:48 PM (: . I am getting slacker each day! I have a list of stuff to do, Yet i am still kinda of relaxing!! Girl, it is time to give yourself some stress!! IT IS TIME TO STUDYYYYY AND DO YOUR WORK!!! YOU ARE NOT HARDWORKING ENOUGH! =( *hump* AIM project submission is this friday! And i have not finish it! *PRAY PRAY PRAY* Today skipped the lecture, Because was kinda of tired and wanting to do the AIM, But we ended watch a movie?? HAHAHA xD Anyway that was a nice movie! "The Woman" is a story about real life. The main character's husband have an affair, She got fired by his father, Then she and her daughter cant get along And her best friend "betrayed" her. She faced the biggest problemssss in her life, Yet she managed to stand up, fulfill her own dreams, becoming a designer and set up a brand of her own. This is a small small world!!! Saw yan at mall after movie. Then we realise that we watched the same movie. SOooooooo Qiaooooo?? =X She ended HER STORY @ 11:02 PM (: Tuesday, January 13, 2009. Anyone can tell me what is ITSM about!! AND WHY did i choose that?? AND WHY did i got into that??? AND SHOULD i appeal??? THEN WHAT should i appeal toooooo!!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!! It is such a headache matter to decide. There is only 4 choice for the specialist! 1. Infocomm soultion 2. Communication and networking 3. Interactive media 4. IT service management Seee arhhhh! I hate programming.... so Infocomm soultion is OUT! I hate networking..... so Communication and networking is OUT!! I hate doing flash.... so Interactive media is also OUT!!! left with the ITSM which i completely have no idea about it!!!!! So WHYYYYYY DID I GOT INTO THIS COURSE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! I ALSOOOOOOOOOOO DONT KNOWWWW!!! BLESS ME! =.= She ended HER STORY @ 10:18 AM (: Sunday, January 11, 2009. 10.01.2009 - She got married!!!!!! It is such a big big day for herrrr~ Who who who? she is my cousin. Actually they have already ROM a few years back? But now then offically had their wedding dinner. She is only afew years older than me. And now, she is married! She looked super lovely in her dress, Now i understand why people say woman looks the best on their wedding!!! xD Even though i dont really believe in relationship or love. she is the only one that proved me wrong. Looking at their video, the process of them from realtionship till marriage, Both of them is still real sweet till now!! Envy? Maybe? HAHA! LET IT OUT!!! Anyway... People that know me well enough should know i hate my dad side relatives. I dont see them, I dont know them, I dont have any memory of them. But i know i dislike them!!!!!!!!!!! Not only me, my brother and sister is also feeling the same. To me, they are a bunch of strangers. Strangers that i hated!!! Every seconds of facing them is tough. I felt so hypocrite facing them. Forcing to put on that smile on my face, Just for the sake of my parent. Expecting me to greet them? No way! If not because of her getting marry. I will never wish to see them again. =.= She ended HER STORY @ 12:45 AM (: Saturday, January 10, 2009. Okay. The end of friday. Welcome my saturday morning~~ One week passed like this. It is really real fast. Soon will be Submission of projects, presentation, lab test and quizzzzz!!! Then Examssssssssss. Can she say "no" to everything?????? =X what is the defination of "right time"? When is "right time"? She ended HER STORY @ 4:55 AM (: Monday, January 5, 2009. weeeeeeee~ Last episode of Little Nyonya. Afterall it is a niceeeeeee drama! She LOVE Jeanette Aw! And i am addicited to the song. 愿意合上眼才能美梦无边 别让悔熏乌了从前 也许碎片才能让回忆展颜 何妨瓷花拼凑明天 谁带我寻获幸福的模 却自己谜中困锁 谁为我留下缱绻的天涯 信物是抹晚霞 Chorus: 思念如燕它飞舞舌尖 若是真爱配尝几分苦甜 意念婆娑时间里推磨 追随到何处才结果 燕如针线在青空缝编 几幅女红将以泪缀点 誓言斑驳情雾只是经过 风雨中且让我盈步婀娜 NOW I think she will be stressed up for the next few weeks. Boring school life. Now she is looking forward to exams then holidays. *GOne CRAZY! * School is never fun for her. B e l i e v e i n D R E A M & P o W e R O f M i n d ??? She ended HER STORY @ 11:40 PM (: . [心理測驗]測驗你的火爆脾氣 在寒冷的空氣中,毛線會帶來溫暖的感覺,要是收到別人親手編織的毛線衣,更是幸福一路到底的心情。你會希望收到以下那種色彩的毛線衣呢? A. 綠色 B. 咖啡色 C. 粉色或紅色系 D. 白色或米白色系 選擇A的人 你是個冷靜取勝的人,在你心裡,認為有理走遍天下,當有狀況發生時,你首先會壓抑怒氣,努力向對方說理,把事情是非交代清楚。這是你處理衝突的方法,但有時秀才也會遇到兵,碰上無理取鬧的人,有理也說不清時,那你可就會怒火中燒,儘快離開現場。 選擇B的人 你平時是有話就說的人,因此當有人惹到你時,你也不會是忍氣吞聲的角色,尤其是對方沒理卻還敢大小聲,那就會立即點燃你不甘示弱的火氣,先發一頓脾氣是常態,給對方一點下馬威,宣示不是軟腳蝦的立場,雙方面紅耳赤的場面你也不會懼怕,反正有理你一定要爭到底,直到對方說對不起才罷休。 選擇C的人 當你和他人意見相左時,其實你不見得會生氣,要引爆你的脾氣火藥庫,除非是對方欺人太甚,尤其是採取欺騙你的手段,把黑說成白,最後要是被你發現,那事情可就大條了,這會讓你想要翻臉,徹底戳穿對方的假面具;就算你考慮其他因素,隱忍沒當場發作,以後再也不會信任曾欺騙你的人了。 選擇D的人 要引爆你的脾氣導火線,是一件不簡單的任務,因為你生氣時,其實也不會當眾動怒,你寧願一個人默默生悶氣,也不想說出來,更不要說當場發飆罵人,失去了你的風度,但是你難看的臉色,還是向所有看到你的人,用SNG宣告了非常不爽的心情呢。 I choose D. Not someone that wil get angry easily, But when i really get angry, Usually i wont say out. But everything shows on my face. xD Superrrr accurate? =X _____________________________________________________ 你是不是談戀愛就變笨? 某一天和朋友去爬山健走,卻不小心遇到山難,你會最怕遇到底下哪一種山難? A.被土石流捲走 B.被落石活埋 C.失足墜落山谷 D.被壞人砍死棄屍 選擇A的人─蠢情指數:30% 基本上你面對感情的態度可謂相當理智,甚至可以說是大而化之,使得你的戀情總是在平順中度過。只 是感情若是缺乏激情,久而久之也是會淡掉甚至在不知不覺中消逝。建議你:不妨常常給你的情人來一些 小驚喜,維持感情的熱度可是你應當積極去做的喔。 選擇B的人─蠢情指數:70% 其實你是個佔有慾相當強的人,有時雖想維持適度的理智不作多餘的聯想,可是對於感情中突如其來的 突發狀況,卻總顯得有些措手不及。其實你已經算是個好情人了,建議你可以多準備一些幽默的方式來 應付這些狀況,免得讓一時的情緒衝動毀了一生的幸福喔。 選擇C的人─蠢情指數:50% 感情上你不是一個太死心眼的人,只是有些禁忌觸碰不得,旁人可能不覺得有什麼,甚至會被你突然的 大動作嚇到,感到莫名奇妙!我會建議你:不知者無罪!就算是情人,他的生活體驗也跟你不同,別要 急著生氣好好溝通即可。如果他再犯,再來發飆也不遲。 選擇D的人─蠢情指數:90% 其實不用測驗你大概心裡也有個底,自己在感情的情緒拿捏並不怎麼優秀,也常常會做出一些讓自己後 悔懊惱的事。其實很多事情本來沒什麼,只是你過頭鑽牛角尖,拼老命往壞處去聯想而已。建議你下次 如果受不了,就把情人帶開獨處去吧,你只是無法戒掉對情人愛的依賴而已。 You know what the conculsion?? Everyone get stupid when they fall in love. I think nobody is expection? xD She ended HER STORY @ 10:23 PM (: Friday, January 2, 2009. I think. . . I thought. . . Why people put a "Happy' in front of new year? New YEAR doesnt mean it is a happy year? =X She ended HER STORY @ 11:47 PM (: . New Year, New DAy. Back to school AGAIN. Skipped lecture for movie again. No more nice movie for me to watch~~ Watched 2 movie in a row. First the Transporter 3 then Seven pounds. AFter that rushed home to watch my little Nyonya. Omg. left with the last 2 epiosode. =X She should start to feel stress now. Every module have a project or presentation to do. She ended HER STORY @ 11:19 PM (: |
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