Miss Fenn ![]() My name's Huifen, Currently Year 3 student @ NYP, Studying DMIT. I am a person you probably mightn't wanna know, or perhaps you might already have known, you don't know whether you knew or not, or maybe you don't even know whether you wanna know after all. Friday, February 19, 2010. LAST DAY LAST 5 HOURS to unoffically Graduation! HEHEEE! =) Today its the last day of IAP! Which mean after today, I just have to relax and wait for the graduation day! SUPER DUPER EXCEITING!!!!!! Every morning, i used to wake up and unwilling to get ready for work. But today, i woke up early morning, wanting to get ready faster, go to work faster, so all these will come to the end faster!! She ended HER STORY @ 1:05 PM (: Sunday, February 14, 2010. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR & HAPPY VALENTINE DAY! 大年初一 祝大家新年快乐 恭喜发财,万事如意,心想事成,学业进步,财源广进, 虎年行大运!!!!!!! 愿天下的有情人终成眷属, 没有情人的人可以遇见自己的 MR/MISS RIGHT. =) She ended HER STORY @ 9:56 AM (: Friday, February 12, 2010. - The end - Thinking back of 2009 2009 is bad year for me, as many things happened. But im gald that ALL IS OVER! In fact, She changed alot. Though she became emotional, tends to cry so easily, Even drama that she wateched before, knowing how the story goes. I used to find people who cry watching drama were stupid, but now she ended up being one of the stupid groupp!! HAHAAAA! It was the year, she was force to learn to be strong and independent. Things happened, people come and left. Now She going to smile and face every brand new day! This year shall be a good good year for me! The worst have already happened, There isnt thing that can affect me anymore. Im damn over you! She ended HER STORY @ 11:40 PM (: Wednesday, February 10, 2010. WEEK 11 of IAP Stepping into second month of 2010. . . . . I have to admit that time is passing too fast! My iap will be endig next week. Soon i will be leding a super slacking n aimless life. HEHE! ANYWAY Chinese New Year is coming! Its just this weekend only!!!!!!!! Doesnt really look forward to that, but just the long weekend. Suddenly feel that i got alot of thing not yet do, yet i got such limited time!! How how how how how!???????????????? I think im alittle slow, I didnt really realise that Chu 1 is also valentine day. just another year~ She ended HER STORY @ 12:26 PM (: |
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